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What I have learnt from a year of being committed to living a Heart Centered life.


It is with gratitude in my heart that I write this blog today as we celebrate our first year of ‘I Am Heart Centered’. Gratitude for The Universe in providing me the opportunity to live, work and grow with and alongside my beautiful daughter Anna, as we embarked on the journey to discover and share what being Heart Centered means to us. Gratitude for the commitment we have made to live our lives from this Heart Centered perspective and gratitude for the self-love and the joy that has evolved as we have grown in awareness and learnt each day to be at peace with all that, we are. There is also so much gratitude for the many amazing Souls from all corners of the world who are sharing in this wonderful Heart Centered journey with us.


On reflecting on the past year it has been an incredible one of growth in all areas of my life and all my past knowledge and learnings have come together. For many years I have pursued and immersed myself in the Mind/Body/Spirit perspective of my existence. It was not until I set the intention to be Heart Centered and live from this perspective in all areas of my life that I have truly discovered the serenity within and the understanding and awareness of Who Am I that I so longed for. I began this journey with a plan in place: Love would be at the core of all that, I Am; I would meditate and write with the Universe each day; I would take care of my body with the love, care and respect that it deserved; I would be open to any direction, any experience, The Universe wanted to take me on with complete trust and faith that this was what my Soul needed for its understanding and growth. 


The Universe has responded and I have remained faithful to my plan and intentions. My meditations and writings each day have provided me with invaluable insight into my past experiences and also what is possible. The thoughts and words that I receive during meditation often highlight what I am experiencing in my life. I receive guidance on how to deal with these experiences and what  the learnings are from them.  The words and writings I receive then form into an Instagram post, a blog or a poem emerges. I have learnt to trust that what I receive is the truth for me on my journey and how I am to interact with myself and others.


It has been a wonderful time of sharing between Anna and I, as we each come from our different life experiences, teachings, learnings and wisdom. Even though as a mother and daughter we share certain experiences, we have also had opportunities to learn and grow in many varied ways. We also have different strengths and we have learnt to share and respect each other’s viewpoint. We have learnt a tremendous amount about and from each other.


From our commitment to being Heart Centered we have become extremely aware of our thoughts, words and actions. I smile when I hear the voice within, alerting and guiding me to look at situations from love and positivity, rather than from fear and negativity. To know that the way forward in any situation is with love in your heart.


I am looking forward to this next year as Anna and I grow in self-love, confidence, belief and trust as we develop even more on our Heart Centered journey. 






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