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The Healer




I love setting goals and spending time visualising and making them a reality. However, one important lesson that Mum taught me many years ago was to always be open to alternate options that The Universe provides for you. She taught me that when setting your goals to state the goal and then add “or something better”. Thus leaving space for The Universe to work it’s magic.


The other day I was cleaning my room and I found an old box of memories that I had stored away. I found a diary from my teenage years and I was amazed to read through the pages and be able to see the growth and lessons I had learned. 

When I was fourteen I wrote about how I wanted to get a rowing scholarship to an American University. I had read an article about a rower who got a full scholarship to an American University, and I knew I wanted to do the same.


As I read through the pages of my journal it was amazing to see all the thought and planning that I had put into my goals and all the prayers I had written asking for guidance from The Universe. As the planning continued I became quite obsessed with a particular University. I was convinced that I was going to go to this school because it was the school of my dreams - great rowing, beautiful campus, great location etc. Even though I was obsessed with this University I still continued to write in my diary “I want this or something better”.





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A Prayer that I found in my diary

from when I was fourteen.

God, tonight I strongly pray

directly to you.

I ask that you and your angels guide me to make the most of this journey you have set up for me.

I pray that right now you help me overcome the obstacles that in the past have held me down. I pray that I am freed from those obstacles so I can move on and fly with my wings open wide, FREE!!

I pray that I am humble, healthy and of course Happy - the 3 H's.

I thank you for the opportunities you have laid before me!

I pray for the strength to notice and grab the opportunities before me. And that when one door closes I can see the others that open.


Anna Thomson xoxo

As I entered my final year of high school I was in scholarship talks with a variety of different American Universities with one of the schools being my original goal University. I was so excited that I had achieved the goal that I set for myself when I was fourteen, and I was ready to not consider any of the other schools.  Then my Dad happened to bump into an old colleague who knew quite a bit about American Universities and my Dad mentioned about the different offers I had received. He really recommended for me to look more into the offer from the University of Texas, a school that I was about to cross off the list because I had no interest in living in Texas. 

I went back and looked at all my options and realised that The Universe was giving me alternate outcomes for the original goals I had set. I worked through the pros and cons of each offer and decided that the Universe had provided me with “something better” and took the scholarship to The University of Texas. 


Funnily enough a few years later, when I had graduated and was working in Los Angeles, I was chatting with a co-worker. We got talking about film school and it turned out he had attended my goal University, so we began to trade stories about our experiences and it was the perfect confirmation that I had made the right choice to attend Texas. 


It can be challenging at times when you have your mind and heart set on an outcome and it doesn’t work out the way you want. However, reading through my diary I was able to clearly see the disappointment I felt when missing out on a desired goal, but then a few pages later I would read about how I was guided to a new opportunity or situation that ended up being way more suited to my soul’s journey at that time. 

By changing my mindset and realising the Universe has your best interests at heart; setbacks and obstacles can be seen as something quite exciting - as it’s The Universe telling you that they have something even better in store for you!


The lesson here is to make sure you leave space for The Universe to work it’s magic, because sometimes we are unable to set our goals, sights and imaginations as high as The Universe desires for us.


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