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It is easy to have faith and trust in The Universe when all of life seems to be happening with little effort and with just a few challenges popping up now and again. However, I have discovered that it is only when you are confronted with a real crisis in your life, that the depth of your beliefs, faith and trust in The Universe are actually tested.


Recently my husband faced a life threatening situation. After a heart wrenching and sleepless first night, I went to my journal to express myself and attempt to make sense of my deep and overwhelming feelings. In my solitude I was feeling extremely alone, scared and let down. I was questioning my faith in God, The Universe, you name it, I was doubting it. How could The Universe let this happen? Why did The Universe not make the warning signs clearer? Did I believe solely that if I have faith and trust in The Universe then everything would be “alright” for everyone in my family?  Not only was I questioning my beliefs, I also questioned my role in all of this and if I could have helped more to prevent this and done things differently? Guilt is sinister in the early hours of the morning.



It is about being open to hearing guidance from this higher source and being brave and trusting enough to follow through.



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As I wrote of my feelings, thoughts of God and prayer came in of how little I have prayed and how little I have given thanks to The Universe of late. I found myself asking “do I only pray out of fear, do I only pray for what I egotistically want, will I only believe in the universe if it gives me all I want? But I know you cannot order up or manoeuvre The Universe. It is about being open to hearing guidance from this higher source and being brave and trusting enough to follow through.


Then from the depths of my Soul, a place of inner stillness, I heard the words and began to pray - “Dearest God, omnipresent being, keeper of light and divine love, I ask that your magnificence protect and heal ‘him’, to ease his fear, for ‘him’ to find and hear your guidance and for ‘him’ to trust that he can and will get through this. I give thanks for your guidance, presence and protection in our lives.” I found comfort in this prayer and thankfully now my prayers have been answered. The most wonderful aspect is the realisation for my husband that The Universe has guided him to take more responsibility with his health and to be more willing, brave and trusting enough to follow this guidance and to open the doors that bind him. 


I also received a message from The Universe after this prayer. That when you or your loved ones physical existence is on the edge, judgement and thoughts of who is doing what, who has what, no longer matters. It is about respecting each other as we are all on our own journeys. It is to be from your heart in all you do, think and say. For it is here that you will find peace and trust in The Universe and will stand solid, not wavering in your convictions and find the strength to trust no matter what the situation or outcome.  For we are all here to experience and grow from the challenges of life and to learn that when you go into the stillness within, you will hear and you can trust the wisdom you are given.



I give thanks for The Universe which graces my life with blessings of faith, trust and guidance.


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