I always love it when I turn on the radio and there is a song playing with exactly the message I need to hear. Sometimes it is a “wakeup call”, sometimes clarification, and sometimes its confirmation of me or my situation I am presently experiencing. “I Can See Clearly Now”, “The Rose”, “Teach Your Children Well” and “Hero” are four special and regular repeats.
Last week as I was driving along the highway on the most beautiful day, I changed radio stations and a song came blaring out at me. “Who Are You?” I only seemed to hear the chorus as the verses didn’t register with me.
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
I really wanna know
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Tell me who you are?
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Cause I really want to know
Who are you? Who, who, who, who?
Was this ever a message! I have never believed in coincidences as I know and have trusted that all of life happens for a reason. That morning I had picked the most beautiful peony rose from my garden and it was carefully wrapped on the seat next to me as I drove to spend a quiet, reflective time at my parent’s grave site. This rose being my mother’s favourite was my gift to them. My heart was yearning to just sit and spend some time contemplating and communing with The Universe as to where my life was at and where it is going. This song, no doubt, was a message being sent in preparation for my ‘talk’.
I didn’t hear any more of the radio as I drove along thinking - Well actually Who Am I now? When I first asked this question of myself 40 years ago it put me on an incredible path to be a Seeker of Life, The Universe and their mysteries. At times it has been difficult to truly stand in my own light and truth as I searched for answers. I have learnt however that all of life experiences are placed in front of you for a reason and from these experiences which you learn to accept and work through are part of your Soul contract. You learn to stay positive in your being, be true to you no matter what others think or say and to fully trust the process of life. It is about learning to live in the present and to understand forgiveness by knowing you cannot change the past but you can change the way you deal with it. It is about knowing it’s wonderful to have dreams of the future but you cannot live in the future.
To be able to answer this question of life – Who Am I?” it is important to offer ourselves the time to actually be mindful of who we are and to search out and discover the answers that are within. Asking “Who I Am” is not about our Ego and what we have accomplished in our lives or the possessions that we have. It is about understanding that we are more than this physical body and the experiences we have been blessed with this lifetime. It is to reflect on the person we have become from the experiences we have had, the beliefs about ourselves and of life that we have developed and shared. When we ask this question we may find answers in books, other people or the internet, but the wisest answers come when you listen to your inner knowing from your Soul, for that is where the truth lies.
Asking “Who Am I?” at 60 is not out of fear of the future, or a rehashing of the past, it is a deep desire to discover even more of myself and The Universe and to ask ”How Can I Serve?”. Asking “Who Am I?” at 60 is to ensure that I make the most of the next part of my life by making every effort to stay healthy in Mind, Body and Spirit so I can fulfil my Soul Contract that the Universe has so graciously given me? I know there is so much wisdom gleaned and embedded from 60 years of life and so much more waiting to be discovered and shared.
I give thanks with all of my heart to The Universe for my life and all the experiences that I have had this lifetime.